Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mmm.... Margarita Time! (well, eventually)

Whats this? This is the cutest little dwarf lime tree you've ever seen. I had this pot, which is awesome and blue, and weighs about 1 million pounds, but when I got it, it had this sort of deformed lemon tree that has never in its life yielded a lemon. The lemon tree didn't survive the winter, so I went to buy a new one. Then I realized... if you have lemons you can make lemonade... but if you have limes, you can make margaritas! The choice was clear. And, here he is...


  1. OH how pretty. I hope you bear the fruit of this one :)

  2. lol I had a potted lemon tree for a while. It came with two big lemons on it, but after those, I could never get the lemons to grow large. They were like 1-2 cm long. I wish you luck and now I contemplate giving it another go! :D

  3. that's so funny - I like the way you think!

    yum...some sun & margaritas!
